Minecraft 1 10 Hardcore Questing Book Editing Tutorial

Mod on quests with awards. Hardcore Questing Mode - Create Your Quests

» Hardcore Questing Mode Mod 1.12.2 / 1.11.2 (Quests for Minecraft)

Hardcore Questing Mode Mod 1.12.2 / 1.11.2 (Quests for Minecraft)

Hardcore Questing Mode MOD 1.12.2 / 1.11.2 Introduces a Possibility to Play A Life Based Hardcore Mode Before Your World Gets Deleted or You Get Banned From A Server. Furthermore, You Can Complete Quests to Gain Rewards, The Rewards Might Be Cool Items or Even Extra Lives. The Quests Aren't However Included in The MOD, It's Up to You or a map of Maker to Create Them. To Create Them You Will Have To Use The In-Game Editor. You Can then Export the Quests to a File to Share With Your Friends Or The Players of Your Map.


  • Unique Questing System.
  • Tiered Reward System (Loot Bags).
  • In Game Editor.
  • Death Counter / Tracker.



Player Commands.

/ HQM Help.

/ HQM Version.

/ HQM Lives.

Op Commands.

/ HQM Help.

  • Returns A List of Available Commands

/ HQM Version.

  • Returns The Currently Installed Version Of Hardcore Questing Mode

/ HQM Lives.


/ HQM Lives Playercheck


/ HQM Lives Add

  • Can Be Used to Add Lives to A Player Arguments Include
  • Combinations:
  • / HQM Lives Add - This Will Give You 1 Life.
  • / HQM Lives Add This Will Give You Of Lives.
  • / HQM Lives Add This Will Give. 1 Extra Life.
  • / HQM Lives Add This Will Give. Extra Life.
  • Example:
  • / HQM Lives Add VSWE 10 - This Will Give The Player (VSWE) 10 Extra Lives

/ HQM Lives Remove

  • CAN BE Used to Remove Lives From a Player Arguments Include
  • Combinations:
  • / HQM Lives Remove - This Will Remove 1 Life from You.
  • / HQM Lives Remove This Will Remove. Of Lives from You.
  • / HQM Lives Remove This Will Remove Life From .
  • / HQM Lives Remove This Will Remove. of Lives from. .
  • Example:
  • / HQM Lives Remove VSWE 10 - This Will Remove 10 Lives from The Player (VSWE)

Adding and Removing Lives in SSP

  • To Add and Remove Lives in Single Player You Need to World to Have Cheats Enabled Before Add and Remove Commands Will Work.

How to Use:

Before WE CAN Actually Create Our Quests, We first Have to Enable Edit Mode. GO INTO MINECRAFT / CONFIG / HQM AND OPEN UP THE HQMCONFIG.CONFIG FILE (Depending On Your Version This May Be in the Editmode.cfg File):

Now, Find The Line That Assks If You Want To Use the Editor. Change that from "False" to "True."

Next, We Just Have to Launch The Game to Be Put Into Edit Mode!

Once We're in Game, WE'LL WANT TO GET OURSELVES A QUEST BOOK. Open Up the Creative Menu (OR, if you have it), and Grab The Quest Book.

Right-Click to Open Up The Book! WE'LL BE MET WITH THIS INTERFACE:

Fig. one: This Is An Awesome Text Box That The Players Can Read WHEN THEY FIRST OPEN UP THE QUEST BOOK IN YOUR MODPACK. You can Edit this to read Whatever you like, And Later, Even Add in a File to Narrate IT!

Fig. 2: This Is The Logo That Players Will See When The Open Up Your Book. Later, I'll Show You How to Edit This and Add in Your Own, Unique Logo!

Fig. 3: This is your Tools Bar. You'll Use The Tools in This Very Frequently Throughout The Creation of Your Quests. You can click on a tool to select it for use. On this page, There are aboutly Two Tools Available:

The Cursor: This Is the Tool You'll Use to Navigate Your Questing Adventure. Left-Click on Things to Select Them, Or to Deselect Them If Necessary. You can Enter New Menus with this, and exit the menu by right-clicking.

The Text Editor: The Text Editor Is A Useful Tool That Is Pretty Self-Explanatory. If you have it selected, You can Edit Anything with text! Hey. REMEMBER FIG. one? THAT HAD NO TEXT? What if we clicked on it with this tool?

Hey! Would You Look At That! WE ARE ALE TO EDIT THIS TEXT! Why Don't We Put In Something Snazzy, Like:


Select Your Cursor Tool Again, And Click on the "Click Here to Start" text. WE'LL BE MET WITH THIS MENU:

Woah. There Are A Lot of New Buttons Here. Let's Take Them One by One.

The Create Set Button: IN ORDER TO Understand This Button, We first Have to Understand The Idea of \u200b\u200bSets. Sets Are What Contain All the Quests We're Going to Create. You can Have SEVERAL SETS, Filled with All Different Types of Quests.

The Designate Set Button: This Button Has No Use Right Now, But It Will Come in Handy Later. IT ALLOWS US TO SELECT A SET TO MOVE QUESTS BETWEEN. IT's Like Moving A File Between Folders, But A Quest Between Sets. I'll Get Into It More Later.

The Reward Bags Button: This Button Allows You to Edit The Reward Bags, Which Are BasiCally Little Goodie Bags That Can Be Given Out to Your Players Every So Often. Once Again, More Detail Later.

The Big Bad Delete Button: This Is a Very Scary Button That You Should Be Careful With. When you Have this Button selected, Everything You Click on Will Be Deleted. Forever. Only Use this in a Case of Emergency.

The Save Button: Located Down on the Lower Right, This Button Allows You to Save All Of Your Progress, in Case It Is Lost. If You Exit The Game Without Pressing This Button, Everything You've Done Will Get Itself Undone, Which We Never Want to Happen. SO Make It A Mental Note: Every time You are Going to Exit, Hit This Button.

NOW, SINCE WE KNOW WHAT ALL OUR TOOLS DO, IT'S TIME TO MAKE THE FIRST SET. The Set Is What We Would Use to Divide Our Quests Into Various Sections. IT's Like A Folder, And The Quests Are the Files. Anyway, Let's Use Our Create Set Tool to Make Our First Set.

After First Selecting The Tool, WE'LL BE MET WITH THIS INTERFACE:

This part is simple. All We Have To Do Is Hit "Create Set," And Our First Set Will Be Created, Like SO:

IT May Be Greyed Out At First, But That's Simply Because We Don't Have Any Quests Inside IT! WE CAN EDIT The Title of the Quest with Our Good Old Text Editor, Or We Can Swap to Our Cursor and Click on It. WE'LL Immediately See This:


Fig. five: This Is What You Would Click with Your Cursor in Order to Access The Quests Inside The Set. IT's Like Opening Up the Folder We Compared The Set to Earlier!

Fig: 6: This Is The Informational Section That Tells US and The Player How Many Quests Are Contained Within The Set and What Types of Quests They Are.


The Move Quests Tool: This Tool, Once Selected, Allows US to Click and Drag a Quest Around The Screen! It's Helpful for Making Things Look Nice And Be Aesthetically Pleasing to the user.

The Create Quest Tool: Hey! This Tool Looks Familiar! IT's The Create Set Tool! Well, basicly. Once We're Inside of a Set, This Tool Changes Uses. ASTEAD OF ALLOWING US TO CREATE NEW SETS, THIS ALLOWS US TO CREATE NEW QUESTS! WE'LL BE USING THIS SHORLY.

The Quest Requirements Tool: This Tool Allows US To Link Quests Together. IT ALLOWS US TO Designate That One Quest Should Be Completed Before Next is unlocked. WE'LL GO INTO MORE DETAIL ON THIS LATER.

The Change Size Tool: This Tool Is More Aesthetic Than The Other Tools. This One Allows US To Change The Visual Size of the Quest, to make it appear bigger than the ithers. This Has No Affect on Gameplay, But It Sure Does Look Nice!

The Change Item Tool: This Tool, Like The Text Editor, IS A Good Friend That We Are Going to Be USING A LOT. This Allows US to Change the item Associated with a Quest, Reward, or Goal. We Will Be Using This shortly, as well!

The Repeatability Tool: This Tool Allows US To Set The Repeatability of A Quest. WE CAN HAVE A PLAYER REPEAT A Quest Every Few Hours, Having ItSelf ITSELF After An Interval, Or Have It Wait to Unlock Itself Until A Certain Amount of Time Has Passed Since The Last Completion.

The Trigger Tool: This Tool Allows US to Set The Trigger for a Quest, or Quests After. We Would Use This Tool in Order to make Quests Invisible or Locked Until A Certain Requirement has Been Reached. WE'LL GO INTO MUCH MORE DETAIL ABOUT THIS AND THE REPEATABILITY TOOL LATER.

The Select Quest Tool: This Is a Useful Tool That Allows US to Select a Quest to Bind to An Object. WE CAN Make It So That There Are Doors Scattered Throughout The World That Will Only Open When You Complete A Quest, Or We Can Have Tnt Explode When You Complete A Quest. 'Cause, I Mean, Who Doesn't Want TNT Exploding?

The Quest Option Tool: This Is a Fun Tool That Allows US to Bind Two Quests Together. Once You'Ve Completed One of the Bound Quests, You Can't Complete The Other!

The Change Set Tool: Earlier, Back Whe We Were On The Set Screen, We Had The Ability to Select a set to Move Things To. This Is The Tool You Would Use to Actually Send the Quests to the selected set. Think of this Like Dropping The Quest in the Mailbox. SELECTING THE SET IS LIKE ADDRESSING THE ENVELOPE!

Those Are All The New Tools for This Screen. IT LOOKS LIKE MOST OF THEM ASELESS WITHOUT THE A QUEST, SO Why Don't We Pull Out Our Friendly "Create Quest" Tool, and Click a Few Times!

WOAH! WE'VE GOT A Whole Bunch of Flashing Buttons! Why don't We Grab Our Cursor and Click on One? WE'LL See this Fancy Screen:

This is Our Good Old Fashioned Quest Screen. It's Here Where We'll Be Able to See The MEAT OF OUR Quests, Like The Goals and Rewards. Here, Let Me Explain All Those New Tools:

The Create Task Tool: This Is Similar to the Create Quest and Create Set Tool. IT Lets US Create A Task to Tell The Player Exactly What They Need To Do. There's Everything from Crafting Tasks to Killing Tasks.

The Change Task Tool: This Is Simple, But Useful. This Tool Allows US to Select An Already Made Task and Switch The Type of Task IT IS.

The Edit Monster Tool: This Tool, Like The Edit Location Tool, Allows US to Tell The Player Which Monster They Have to Kill!

Now, SINCE WE'RE ALREADY HERE, Why don't We Brighten Up Our Quest by Adding in a Description and Title? Use the Good Old Text Editor to do this.


As You Can See, There Are A Myriad of Different Tasks We Can Assign The Player. WE'LL GET INTO ALL OF THEM LATER. For now, Let's Assign A "Crafting Task," Which Requires The Player to Craft An Item:

As You Can See, Once We've Clicked IT, It Created a New Crafting Task. This Means That It Will Detect Automatically When We Craft The Selected Item. How do We Select The Item We Want The Player to Craft? Let's Use Our Cursor to Click on the Task to Find Out!

HRM ... IT APPEARS THAT THERE IS NOTHING ... WAIT! Gideon! Didn't You Mention Something About A Change Item Tool Earlier? What if we used that Tool and Right-Clicked on the Nothing?

Woah. This Is Confusing But Very Nice-Looking. IF I Could, I Would Even Ask This Gui Out on a date. Anyway, There's Are Two WES OF CHOOSING THE ITEM WE WANT THE PLAYER TO CRAFT. You can Select It If You Have It in Your Inventory, Or You Can Search for It on the Left. Let's Make This First Quest Simple, and Have Them Craft Some Wooden Planks. Let's Try Searching for It.

Good Job! Now, We Can Select The Amount of Times We Want Them to Craft the Planks, And What Kind of Detection We Want. For Now, Let's Leave The Amount of Crafts At One, and Talk About the Types of Detection.

Precise Detection Is The Default. The Player Must Submit Exactly The Item That It Requests, Else It Won't Accept IT. So If I Had A Stone Sword Named "Gideon Is The Best" And You Tried to Submit a Stone Sword Named "Gideon Is Not The Best," IT Would Not Accept IT.

However, If We Had It On NBT Independent Detection, If It Was Asking for a Stone Sword Named "QAZPLM601 Is The Best," We Could Still Submit One Named "Gideonseymour Is The Best." This Is Also Useful for Mods Like Blood Magic. If We Had It On Precise Detection, And Asked For A Blood Orb Bound to Padfoote, It Would Not Accept on Bound to Gideonseymour. But If We Had It On This Setting, It Would.

Fuzzy Detection Is Useful for Things That Should Ignore Damage Values. Say Wanted Them to Submit a Stone Sword That Had Been Used Once. Unless We Had It On Fuzzy Detection, IT Would Not Accept A Stone Sword That Had Been Used Twice.

The Last Type of Detection, Ore Dictionary Detection, Is Useful for When There Are Several Types of a Block in The Game. Say We Wanted The Player to Submit a Block of Copper from Thermal Foundation. Unless We Have This Option Enabled, IT Will Not Allow The Player to Submit A Block of Copper from IC2.

For the Purposes of this Quest, We Want The Book to Detect If The Player Crafts Any Type of Wooden Plank, Whether IT Be Spruce, Oak, Acacia, Or Birch. SO, WE'LL CHOOSE ORE DIFTIONARY DETECTION. SELECT THAT AND HIT OKAY, AND BAM! WE'VE CREATED OUR FIRST TASK.

Now, We don't Want to Be Completely Cold-Hearted. Sure, We Are Forcing The Player to Craft Some Wood Planks, But We Can, At The Least, Give Them a Reward. Let's Use The Change Item Tool to Click on One of the Blanks Under "rewards." I'm Going to Give Them A Gold Ingot.

But Gideon, You Ask, What do the "Pick One" Area Mean? WELL, YOUNG GRASSHOPPER, THAT AREA ALLOWS YOU TO SPECIFY SOME REWARS THAT THEY HAVE TO CHOOSE BETWEEN. F'Rinstance, I'll Have Them Choose Between A Golden Apple, and a Golden Carrot. They CAN't Have Both, Only One.

WE'RE ALMOST DONE WITH OUR FIRST QUEST! There Are Finishing Touches Left. Let's Select Our Cursor Again, And Head Back Out So WE CAN View All the Quests.

Something is Missing. All of These Quests Lack Individuality. IT's Like We Have A Communist State Going On In This Book! Why Don't WE Take Out Our Change Item Tool and Liven Things Up a Bit.

AH. That's More Like It. Our Quests Now Have some Personality. IN FACT, NOW THINK ABOUT IT, WE'VE FINISHED OUR FIRST QUEST! Let's Give Gideon A BREAK FROM TYPING MADLY! Why Don't You Turn Off Edit Mode and Go Try Your Quest Out in A New World? Don't Forget to Hit Save On Your Way Out!

Testing and Resetting The HQM Quest Book:

  • To Test Your Game and See What The Player Will See You first Have to Disable Edit Mode. To Do This Exit Out of Minecraft and Go Into Minecraft / Config / HQM. Open up the hqmconfig.config file (OR Depending On Your Version This May Be in the editmode.cfg file) And change the "Quests.B: UseEditor" attribute from "True" to "false".
  • Next Restart Minecraft and Load Up Your Game and You Should Find You Can Now do the Quests in your HQM Quest Book, But Not Edit Anything. Test Your Quests for Things Like How Easy They Are to Complete, Whether the work as Expected (Particularly Location-Based Tasks), And Whether Quests Which Require A Parent Quest to Be Completed First Are Working Like They Should.
  • To Test Everything Again From Scratch, Exit Minecraft, Go to Your Minecraft Folder, And Locate SaveSyour World Namehardcorequesting. Inside Should BE Two Files - Players.dat and Players.dat-Backup. Make a backup of these Somewhere Just to Be Safe, And Then Delete Both Files. NOW START UP MINECRAFT AGAIN AND YOU SHOULD HAVE A NICE CLEAN HQM Quests in Place But None of the Completion Tasks Done.


How to install:

  1. Make Sure You Have Already Installed Minecraft Forge.
  2. Locate The Minecraft Application Folder.
    • ON Windows Open Run from the Start Menu, Type % APPDATA% And click Run.
    • ON MAC OPEN FINDER, HOLD DOWN ALT AND CLICK GO THEN LIBRARY IN THE TOP MENU BAR. Open The Folder Application Support and Look for Minecraft.
  3. Place The Mod You Have Just Downloaded (.jar File) Into The Mods Folder.
Better Dungeons is a large-scale mod, adding new mobs to normal biomes and huge treasury. Among them, pirate ships, volcanoes and much more, which will allow you to plunge into the adventure atmosphere deeper.


Volcanoes, stay away from the center, or still take a look ...

Siege fortresses will allow you to rest after a long road! Look for them on the plains.

Storm pirate ships
The models of small ships are attached to them, large galleaves and treasure island.

Fortresses, look for an entrance in the taiga.
This is how the fortress is underground:

Swamp caves are very large and with unique flowers !!

Cities of the Lower World (Attention: inside the secret rooms)

If you notice the pyramid (or another suspicious object in the desert), go inside, find the hatch and enter the battle with the boss:

Look for these caves in water biomes, there is a boss of the Slizen:

Through the hellish holes, a red sky can be seen, a rooted breed is removed from there.

Standard treasury (they are found at a height of 18-60, the image in the picture is test)

Large treasury (size can be configured in the configuration file)

Treasury of the Lower World:


List of mobs:

Manoid mobs:
They look like people, but differ depending on the bioma.
There are different classes:
Armored: Their health and damage depends on the complexity of the game and their armor / weapons.
Standard Warrior: basic Warrior Middle battle.

Archer: Basic long-range warrior with onions.

Grenadier: Long-range middle-level warrior, armed with a sword and grenades.

Goblin Grenader
Healer: Armed with a healing staff, which treats his comrades!

Defender: With a sword and shield, specializes in protection - can block part of the damage and reflect the arrows.

Zombie defender
Harpuncher: Armed with a harpoon-hook, with the help of which attracts enemies.

Kopionac: Spear has a large radius of defeat and discard, especially effectively against riders.

Armed with a huge sword, try not to let him close.

Ninja: Armed by a dagger, makes an additional damage when hitting behind. Be alert!

Monkey Ninja
Znamers: Wears a banner, not dangerous alone, but is very dangerous in the detachment, as it raises the speed, damage and the protection of their allies.

Walker signs
Boss Spider: It is found in the caves in the jungle.
Necromancer: A special skeleton living in castles and protected by the ordeal skeletons. It has 3 types of attack: the usual is a short-range blow, superimposing confusion; Vampire Ball - a shell, attending the boss when contacting the creature; Skeleton call - Spaun skeleton next to the necromancer, whose damage treats the boss.
Lich: Semi-dimensional necromancer who devoted his life to dark rituals. Lychee is dangerous, they have more powerful attacks than necromancers.
Pig: Pigwifelovka, having funny attacks among other things.
King of pirates: Be careful, he will try to deceive your eyesight.


The prototype of the shredder: the main secret of the dwarves, which is hidden at the end of their treasury. But this is only a prototype - errors may occur.
Boss Walker: Expert in defense and hunting. Attacks in small whirlies and sword. Also has a powerful sword capable of blocking almost all damage. Do not enter into battle if not ready.


Revolver: Can be found in Treasurers. Shoots bullets.

Good day, dear friends!

You play on hardcore assembly, but dying, the world is not deleted and nothing happens? Want to have any tasks that can be passed by performing the specified conditions (fly to the right place, hand over the desired fluid or object, kill the desired number of mobs and the like - all like in MMORPG games), getting a reward? Well, in the end, live in restrictions on the lives? Then this miracle will like you!

Today I will demonstrate you one wonderful mod, which will introduce the share of hardcore and the elements of MMORPG (namely quests) in all of us your favorite game - Minecraft!

The most interesting thing is that quests you will write themselves and rewards you will also install yourself! By the way, this mod is ideal for various thematic servers - with a stalker mod, survival on uninhabited islands and the like. Things in itself this hardcore miracle contains very little, but this is enough to enjoy the gameplay to enjoy! Content Fashion:

What is presented in the screenshot?

  • The quest book is the main thing added by this mod. With the help of it you will take, create and receive tasks
  • Quest Deliviry System - a block with which you will hand up liquids and items in large quantities to perform tasks
  • Parts of the heart are objects that are issued for the fulfillment of quests or opening bags. Used to create big hearts
  • Big heart - increases the number of lives on 1
  • Bags with award-winning - there are only 5. They differ only awards:
    • Simple
    • Good
    • Excellent
    • Epic
    • Legendary
  • A couple of other blocks, learn about which you have to independently

So let's consider all this in the screenshots

This MOD Introduces A Possibility to Play A Life Based Hardcore Mode Before Your World Gets Deleted or You Get Banned From A Server. Furthermore, You Can Complete Quests to Gain Rewards, The Rewards Might Be Cool Items or Even Extra Lives. The Quests Aren't However Included in The MOD, It's Up to You or a map of Maker to Create Them. To Create Them You Will Have To Use The In-Game Editor. You Can Then Export The Quests to a File To Share With Your Friends or The Players of Your Map.


  • Unique Questing System
  • Tiered Reward System (Loot Bags)
  • In game editor
  • Death Counter / Tracker


Mod showcases:


Player Commands.

  • Returns A List of Available Commands
  • Returns The Currently Installed Version Of Hardcore Questing Mode

/ HQM Lives Playercheck

  • Can Be Used to Add Lives to A Player Arguments Include
  • Combinations:
  • / HQM Lives Add - This Will Give You 1 Life.
  • / HQM Lives Add This Will Give You Of Lives.
  • / HQM Lives Add This Will Give. 1 Extra Life.
  • / HQM Lives Add This Will Give. Extra Life.
  • Example:
  • / HQM Lives Add VSWE 10 - This Will Give The Player (VSWE) 10 Extra Lives

/ HQM Lives Remove

  • CAN BE Used to Remove Lives From a Player Arguments Include
  • Combinations:
  • / HQM Lives Remove - This Will Remove 1 Life from You.
  • / HQM Lives Remove This Will Remove. Of Lives from You.
  • / HQM Lives Remove This Will Remove Life From .
  • / HQM Lives Remove This Will Remove. of Lives from. .
  • Example:
  • / HQM Lives Remove VSWE 10 - This Will Remove 10 Lives from The Player (VSWE)

Adding and Removing Lives in SSP

To Add and Remove Lives in Single Player You Need to World to Have Cheats Enabled Before Add and Remove Commands Will Work.

Hardcore Questing Mode Mod Installation Guide:

  1. Make Sure You Have
  2. Download Hardcore Questing Mode Mod
  3. Go to Start Menu. Type:% APPDATA% /. Minecraft. Press ENTER TO RUN% APPDATA% /. Minecraft
  4. Go to Minecraft / Modsfolder. IF MODS FOLDER DOES NOT EXIST, CREATE ONE
  5. Move The Downloaded Jar (Zip) File Into The "Mods" Folder
  6. Launch Minecraft Using Forge Profile, Then Open Menu
  7. Enjoy

Better Questing mod for minecraft 1.12 1.11.2 1.10.2 1.9.4 17.10 add a lot of interesting and exciting quests to the game at the initial stage. Which will make a game of newcomers as long as minecraft, sandbox gameplay style Minecraft admits some rather attractive quests, which to play. However, even though the quests have always had such a large aspect of the game, there is no official system, which is probably the reason for our time there is a lot of mods. Better quests and is one of the latest add-ons to a long mods of mods that seek to make the right questing in Minecraft reality, and this is definitely one of the best quality mods in its kind.

Better Quests mod for minecraft Invites the players all the necessary tools in order to really combine high quality and very fascinating tasks. There are various various types of game editors that can be used to pretrate each part of your search. It also has a function of an automatic quest generation of trees, which can be quite useful for quests that pass through several different stages. At the top of these things, it also has a proper batch management system, as well as which can be great for those who are designing multiplayer quests that require a complete side.

Something that you need to keep in my head about the best quests fashion is that it may be a little difficult to get hang, because it is filled to the edges with a large number of functions. It will be some time before you can use all your tools to collect summit quests. In addition, one of key featureswhich distinguishes this mod separately from all the others in its category is that it stores all the quest data in the JSON file that can be changed externally to adjust the specifics of the task.

Minecraft 1 10 Hardcore Questing Book Editing Tutorial

Source: https://monsterhighfan.ru/en/mod-na-kvesty-s-nagradami-hardcore-questing-mode---sozdai-svoi-kvesty/

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