Never Again Rally Speeches by Students Parkland

The shooting terminal Valentine's Day at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, prompted a wave of student and parent activism for stricter gun laws not seen later on previous massacres.

Hither's a look at how the Never Again movement gained momentum after the massacre:

February. 14, 2018

Former Marjory Stoneman Douglas Loftier School pupil Nicholas Cruz, opened fire at the schoolhouse in Parkland, Florida, killing 17 students and staff members. As the binge unfolded, student David Hogg began to pic his and young man students' demand for change while hiding in a dark cupboard. "I phone call legislators of this country to have activity and terminate this from happening," Hogg said. "Thousands of people have died from gun violence and information technology'southward fourth dimension to take a stand. Forget the NRA. Forget the political backing. Take a stance for human lives, for children'south lives."

February. fifteen, 2018

Students David Hogg and Jaclyn Corin call on lawmakers to take action on gun control during live interviews on CNN and MSNBC. On social media, fellow student Cameron Kasky launches the hashtag #NeverAgain. Later on in the evening at a acuity nearly the school, a crowd of more ane,000 people, consisting largely of students, chanted "no more than guns, no more guns."

February. 17, 2018

Marjory Stoneman Douglas senior Emma Gonzalez delivers her at present-famous "We Telephone call BS" spoken language during a gun control rally in Fort Lauderdale. She criticized President Donald Trump for calling on action on mental health afterward he overturning an Obama-era police that made it harder for people with mental illness to purchase guns.

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"Nosotros are going to be the final mass shooting," xviii-twelvemonth-erstwhile Gonzalez vowed. "Nosotros are going to change the police."

Feb. 18, 2018

On Sunday, a group of students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school announce plans for a mass demonstration in Washington D.C. on March 24 to demand action on gun command. The March for Our Lives campaign is spearheaded by students Emma González, Alex Current of air, Cameron Kasky, David Hogg and Jaclyn Corin.

Feb. 21, 2018

President Donald Trump meets with Marjory Stoneman Douglas students who recount their fears during the shooting and plea for gun control. "I don't sympathize why I tin can still go in a store and purchase a weapon of war. An AR. How is information technology that piece of cake to buy this type of weapon? How do we not finish this afterwards Columbine? After Sandy Hook?" said a tearful Samuel Zeif

The president said he would push for comprehensive background checks with an emphasis on mental health. Other survivors marched on the Florida state Capitol called for tougher gun command laws.

Feb. 22, 2018

Several Parkland students, teachers and parents of victims confront National Rifle Clan spokeswoman Dana Loesch and Florida senators Marco Rubio and Bill Nelson, every bit well as Democratic Rep. Ted Deutch on the issue of school safety and gun control during a CNN town hall.

Student Cameron Kasky tells Rubio, "It's hard to look at you and not look down the barrel of an AR-xv and non look at Nikolas Cruz" earlier asking the senator if he'd cease accepting money from the NRA. Rubio replied that people purchase into his calendar and that he supports laws to keep guns out of the hands of deranged people, calculation that the NRA represents the interests of countless of Americans.

February. 23, 2018

After ThinkProgress publishes a story highlighting the over 2 dozen corporations offer discounts to NRA members, several companies responded that they were terminating their agreements with the gun rights group. Activist Michael Skolnik posts on Twitter a list of the companies that all the same have a relationship with the NRA and launches the hashtag #BoycottNRA. Inside 48 hours, MetLife, Hertz, Symantec Corp, Enterprise Holdings, Offset National Banking company of Omaha, and other companies announced they were ending discount programs for NRA members.

Feb. 24, 2018

David Hogg calls on tourists to boycott the country of Florida until lawmakers pass sensible gun reform legislation. Hogg took to Twitter to inquire spring breakers to spend their vacation in Puerto Rico, which "could really utilise the economic back up that the regime failed to provide." In another tweet, Hogg noted that perhaps politicians will "heed to the billion dollar tourism manufacture in FL. #neveragain."

March 9, 2018

Gov. Rick Scott signs a far-reaching school-safety bill that places new restrictions on guns, including raising the minimum age to buy rifles from 18 to 21, extending a 3-solar day waiting period for handgun purchases to include long guns and banning bump stocks.

With the success of the social media-driven boycotts, Hogg and other gun safety advocates deploy the strategy several more times to force other brands and corporations to disassociate themselves from the NRA and the politicians who the group supports. It also proves effective in getting popular chain stores to discontinue the sale of assault-style rifles and increment minimum age requirements for gun purchases.

March xiv, 2018

On the one month anniversary of the Parkland massacre, hundreds of thousands of students nationwide walk out of schoolhouse to demand action on gun violence. They as well took their message to statehouses beyond the country, declaring enough is enough and #neveragain.

March 24, 2018

Hundreds of thousands rallied across the U.S. in the student-led March For Our Lives demonstration against gun violence. Marjory Stoneman Douglas students spoke before supporters in Washington, D.C. along with activists, politicians and celebrities. Survivor Emma Gonzalez held a moment of silence to honour those killed.

April eighteen, 2019

Random House announces siblings David and Lauren Hogg have inked a book deal. "#NeverAgain: A New Generation Draws the Line" is published on June xix, with proceeds going to charity. The book is both a memoir and a guide to activism. It volition go on to be a New York Times best seller.

April 20, 2018

On the 19th anniversary of the Columbine shooting in Colorado, students across the country participate in another wave of school walkouts. During the second National Schoolhouse Walkout, organized by a Connecticut student post-obit the Parkland shooting, students held voter registration drives and issued ultimatums to lawmakers who refused to act.

June 4, 2018

A day after graduation, Parkland students denote the "March for Our Lives: Road to Change," a multistate omnibus tour aimed at mobilizing young voters to annals and vote out NRA-backed candidates in the 2018 midterm elections. The Road to Change tour kicks off on July 15 on the South Side of Chicago, Illinois, with celebrities like Run a risk the Rapper and Jennifer Hudson.

Nov. six, 2018

Voters nationwide bear witness that gun violence prevention is a winning issue, with outspoken gun safety advocates beating their NRA-endorsed opponents in about ii-dozen House races around the state, according to the Giffords Constabulary Center on Gun Violence Prevention.

Nov. twenty, 2018

Archbishop Desmond Tutu, left awards the Children'south Peace Prize to students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High who campaigned against gun violence, from 2nd left, Matt Deitsch, Jaclyn Corin, Emma Gonzalez and David Hogg in Cape Town, South Africa, Tuesday November. 20, 2018. A grouping of immature Americans who campaigned against gun violence afterwards surviving a deadly shooting at their Florida school accept received a prize from onetime South African archbishop Desmond Tutu. Tutu said in a statement the students showed that "children tin can move the world" and he compared the U.S. movement for gun control that they started to other big peace movements.

Parkland activists are awarded the 2018 International Children'south Peace Prize in recognition of their anti-gun violence motility. Matt Deitsch, Jaclyn Corin, Emma Gonzalez and David Hogg received the laurels in Cape Boondocks from former South African archbishop Desmond Tutu.

January, viii, 2019

House Democrats, with the support of some Republicans, introduce a bill would aggrandize requirements for background checks to all gun sales. Parkland activists join Pelosi onstage at a press briefing announcing the nib.

Feb. half-dozen, 2019

Parkland shooting survivor and gun control activist Aalayah Eastmond testifies before the Business firm Judiciary Committee that tough legislation is needed to prevent gun violence.

"Gun violence is such an epidemic, that anyone, anywhere, at any fourth dimension can be afflicted," Eastmond said. "Rich or poor, blackness or white, young or onetime -- all Americans are at-adventure and this is a side of America that none of united states of america can or should take pride in."

Gun Safety Laws

An examination by the Giffords Law Center to Forbid Gun Violence institute that of the dozens of gun safe bills passed in 2018, 67 measures enacted in 26 states and Washington, D.C. would take an affect on gun-related deaths and injuries. Click on one of the red or bluish colored states for more.

Source: Giffords Law Center to Forbid Gun Violence
Credit: Kelly Zegers/NBC

NBC's Danielle Abreu contributed to this study.


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